It’s the best gravel bike l’ve ever ridden, and one of the best bikes I’ve ever ridden.
Petor Georgallou The Radavist
...a fresh take on what a gravel bike can be... a balance between shredding single-track and winning races.
Betsy Welch VeloNews
It’s an exceptional bicycle... a well-crafted piece of machinery that I would go so far to describe as a form of art.
Rachel Jary Rouleur
From the moment you swing a leg over the saddle, there’s no denying that this is a race bike. It’s feathery light, snaps like a whip and begs to go fast.
Anne-Marije Rook Cycling Weekly
Possibly the zenith of custom carbon frame building, beautifully balanced with sublime ride quality and exceptional handling.
James Spender Cyclist Magazine
...with a ride quality that sets a benchmark mainstream brands would do well to target. It’s that good.
James Huang Cycling Tips was the perfect feel that stuck with me. I’ve ridden lots of very expensive bikes and they can’t match the bike designed for me...
Josh Ross Cycling News
... This RM3 may very well be the finest-riding carbon bike l’ve ever had the pleasure to toss a leg over. This thing most definitely tugs at my heartstrings.